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Respiratory Rescue: Essential Oils to Support Healthy Breathing

Very few things come close to the relish of breathing in fresh air clearly and effortlessly. The feeling is out of this world. You may never appreciate what pleasure clear breathing is until those moments your body is struggling with a cold, flu or any other respiratory challenge. When breathing in and out becomes a struggle, most people will trade all the gold in the world for unobstructed, easy and refreshing breath. Thank God there is a way out of such distressing moments. Essential oils present a safe, natural and quick relief from difficult breathing and other symptoms of respiratory ailments. Whether you are looking at protecting your respiratory health all year round or getting rid of a respiratory bug, essential oils for healthy breathing have you all covered.

In this blog post, we will talk about how essential oils promote healthy breathing, the best essential oils for relief of respiratory distress, and how to use these essential oils for the best results. We will even share our favourite essential oil blends for healthy breathing.

Your Respiratory System

The respiratory system is responsible for breathing. Your nose, mouth, throat, voice box, windpipe, and lungs make up your respiratory system. The cells in our bodies need oxygen to grow, stay alive and carry out their functions. Carbon dioxide is the waste made as our cells carry out their normal activities. Breathing involves inhalation which brings oxygen into your body and exhalation to send carbon dioxide out of your body. This process that occurs thousands of times in a day is known in biology as respiration.

Healthy breathing allows enough oxygen to be taken into your body, while also letting your body properly get rid of carbon dioxide. Breathing starts from your mouth and nose. Air enters into your lungs through your nose or mouth. It travels down your windpipe into some small tubes called bronchioles and enters certain small sacs (alveoli) located at the end of the tubes. From these sacs the oxygen in the air you breathed in passes into your blood and your heart then helps to pump the oxygen-filled blood to different parts of your body. As the blood carries oxygen to your cells, it mops up carbon dioxide produced as a waste by your cells. The blood transports carbon dioxide back to your lungs from where it is breathed out of your body through the nose.

Any condition that impairs the proper functioning of any part of your respiratory system may affect your breathing. According to the data of World Health Organization respiratory conditions such as pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), tuberculosis and other respiratory tract infections have remained among the top major killers for more than a decade. Essential oils have been used for centuries to clear the airways, ease congestion and support healthy breathing.

Essential Oils and Respiratory Tract Diseases

Essential oils are highly concentrated oil containing many chemical compounds with medicinal properties. These volatile oils are naturally found in some plants, and are extracted by distillation, pressing, etc. Many essential oils are reputed as being effective in supporting easy breathing.

A lot of research including human trials have demonstrated the beneficial effects of some essential oils in the treatment of various respiratory conditions. 1,8‐cineole (also known as eucalyptol), a chemical compound found in Eucalyptus and some other essential oils, have been shown to have respiratory activities like preventing and alleviating coughs, reducing respiratory discomfort and difficulty in breathing, breaking up mucus so it can cleared out of the lungs more easily, relieving congestion, improving lung function, dilating the bronchioles and aiding airflow into the lungs.

Essential oils are particularly beneficial for treatment of respiratory conditions because they are volatile and can easily reach both the upper and lower parts of the respiratory tract when inhaled. They not only relieve breathing difficulties, but also help to reduce cough and inflammation, and clear out the organisms causing the infection.

Essential oils actions are mostly multifaceted with several bioactive constituents acting in different capacities. 1,8‐cineole for example, added to the aforementioned properties, have antimicrobial properties and also stops inflammation. Apparently, the ability of essential oils to support healthy breathing comes from this synergy of medicinal activities as can be seen with eucalyptus oil.

7 Best Essential Oils For Easy Breathing

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil, obtained from the fresh leaves of Eucalyptus plant, is well-known for literally making your breath easy. The oil is highly rich in 1,8‐cineole (eucalyptol). It also contains α‐pinene and camphor. Eucalyptus essential oil is used for relief of symptoms of cough, cold, catarrh and bronchitis. It soothes and clears your airways, making breathing less laborious. Inhalation of this oil gives a fast relief from nasal congestion and breathing difficulties. Eucalyptus essential oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, too. It is also a good immune-booster, and so provides additional protection from harmful bacteria that could make symptoms of respiratory conditions worse. Findings from a recent study suggest that eucalyptus essential oil may be beneficial for effective management of respiratory conditions like asthma and COPD. It has also been shown to speed up healing in patients with acute bronchitis. Eucalyptus is safe for use and can be used by both young and old, but it should not be applied directly to the face or nose of babies and little children to avoid irritation.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is another essential oil good for enhancing healthy breathing. This oil has a high content of menthol. Other useful chemical constituents found in peppermint essential oil include menthon, isomenthone, menthyl acetate, menthofuran and limonene. Peppermint essential oil effectively unclogs congested nostrils, making breathing easier. It alleviates symptoms of respiratory diseases such as coughs and colds. Steam inhalation of peppermint essential oil has been proved effective for easy breathing and treatment of respiratory conditions. Direct application of peppermint oil to the nose or chest should be avoided with children under the age of 4 years.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Essential oil extracted from the leaves and aerial parts of Tea Tree contains a good quantity of 1,8-cineole. This makes it effective in improving your breathing, just like Eucalyptus and Peppermint. Tea tree oil is used in alternative medicine for the treatment of respiratory infections such as cold, influenza, bronchitis, etc.

Lavender Essential Oil

Besides its soothing fragrance, Lavender essential oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce inflammation of your respiratory system. Its antibacterial properties also help to combat bacterial infection in your respiratory tract.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Sweet Orange essential oil is another natural remedy for difficult breathing. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which make it a good treatment for respiratory illnesses. In a study, the oil demonstrated significant ability to ease difficulty in breathing caused by respiratory diseases.

Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil helps to suppress inflammation and improve breathing in people battling respiratory illnesses. Its agreeable citrus scent aids in relaxing your mood, dispel anxious feelings and make breathing less stressful.

Frankincense Essential Oil

The earthy fragrance of Frankincense essential oil has proven sedative effect and does help to enhance your mood. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce inflammation of your respiratory system. In a study with asthma patients, about 70% of participants reported improved breathing and decreased shortness of breath upon inhalation of frankincense essential oil.

How To Use Essential Oils For Easy Breathing

By Inhalation

This is the commonly used and most effective method of using essential oils for relief of difficulty in breathing caused by respiratory conditions. Some ways you can inhale essential oils include:

Direct Inhalation

You can place 2-3 drops of your easy breath essential oil/blend on your pillow or handkerchief and inhale directly for a quick relief.

Inhalation Using Diffusers

A more efficient and easy way to inhale essential oils for healthy breathing is through diffusers. Diffusers release the essential oil particles into your space making it available for you to inhale without much stress. Add 6 drops of your essential oil/blend to 100ml of water (depending on the capacity of your diffuser). Diffuse and inhale for at least 5 minutes. Repeat at least twice a day for the best results.

Steam Inhalation

Another effective means of relieving the symptoms of respiratory disease through essential oil inhalation is by vapour inhalation. This old‐fashioned method involves adding 6-8 drops of undiluted essential oil in a bowl of hot water and inhaling the vapour for about 3-5 minutes, with a towel over your head. Repeat the inhalation at least twice a day for the best results.


Dilute 3 drops of essential oil/blend with a tablespoon of carrier oil of your choice (jojoba oil, fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond) and massage on your chest, nasal region, neck, back and forehead. Topical application of essential oils for healthy breathing is not recommended for children under 4 years.

DIY Essential Oils Recipes for Healthy Breathing

Several studies on essential oils confirm that essential oil remedies are most effective when used as a blend. Combination of two or more essential oils elicits better results in your body than when the oil is used individually.

Here are three favourite essential oil blends we love to recommend for easy breathing.

Breathe Easy Blend

  • 2 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil

  • 2 drops of Lavender essential oil

  • 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil

  • 1 drop of Frankincense essential oil

Respiratory Aid Blend

  • 3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil

  • 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil

  • 2 drops of Bergamot essential oil

Clear Breathe Respiratory Blend

  • 2 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil

  • 2 drops of Tea tree essential oil

  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil

  • 1 drop of Sweet orange essential oil

Any of these essential oil blends can help clear your airways, loosen mucus buildup and make breathing clear and refreshing. These blends should be your go-to first aid treatment for relief of symptoms of colds, catarrh, COPD and other respiratory ailments.

You may also use the blends as preventive treatment against respiratory illnesses or as support for a healthy respiratory system. Store your essential oil blends in a dark glass bottle, and use as directed above.

Meanwhile, in order to maintain healthy breathing, it is important to keep your respiratory system healthy. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, staying away from smoking and living a healthy lifestyle are essential for your respiratory health.


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